When It All Comes Together – SEO With an Accounting Flair

Last updated on June 30th, 2022 at 01:44 am

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Am I an introvert? I wouldn’t consider myself as one, but I do have lots of characteristics introverts do. 
I learned all these from Gabriela Cășineanu – an award-winning author, trainer and coach, engineer, and with her permission, a dear friend of mine.

Gabriela is also the founder of the Introverts Academy – a hub where introverts can learn how to enhance their skills that would benefit their careers and their lives overall. She recently launched a course for introverts: Networking… The Introvert Way!

Early October 2021, I had the privilege of being Gabriela’s guest on a LinkedIn Live interview. 

We discussed career choices, immigrant life, and share – hopefully – beneficial insights that we learned along the way. 

I, on one side, with a background that spans several careers (including accounting); and Gabriela, on the other side, has many years of experience in coaching, training and consulting individuals, corporations and government organizations.

View the recording on LinkedIn here:


How I met Gabriela

Somewhere in November 2019 (before the pandemic), my dear friend Tedy Necula visited Toronto just for a day and we had a late dinner together. 

That night I learned about a book published by the Canadian Immigrant Writers Association (IWA), and some of the member names were Romanian.

Yes, my friend from Romania had to come to Toronto for me to learn about this association that started in Toronto! ?

Fast forward: I ordered that book – the anthology Building Bridges – from Amazon and read it. 

What a pleasant surprise! It inspired me to connect with most of the co-authors via LinkedIn.

I particularly resonated with one story, by Gabriela Cășineanu, because she shared a delicate moment of her life: when she went through burnout. I was recently recovering from a similar situation (am I still now?) and most of the states she described in that chapter seemed so familiar (I didn’t lose my voice though).

Gabriela was fine by the time we’ve met. And it turns out that she’s also the person to talk to in regards to the Immigrant Writers Association! If you say IWA or Gabriela Cășineanu, it’s almost the same thing since she’s the founder and president of this association.

Back to Gabriela: we started to chat a lot, and I helped IWA from a marketing perspective. I did a website audit and made suggestions on how the book and IWA’s events should be promoted.

I also discovered her books, and one in particular: Introverts: Leverage Your Strengths for an Effective Job Search.

Did I recommend you this book before?

I often say I wish I had this book when I came to Canada. Well, the title is a bit misleading – by no means the information shared in that book is valid only for introverts (it includes some introvert specific strengths and how to use them in this context).

Last year, Gabriela and I made a good team for launching the IWA’s second anthology: Grow Together. Did I mention that I, Emanuel, have contributed a chapter to this anthology? It’s ok to call me a published author. ? You can read my Growth Together anthology chapter here.

In the meantime, I also became the association’s marketing manager – a position I am most proud of and constantly learning from.

Now we work together for the launch of IWA’s newest IWA anthology – Moving Forward – on November 12, 2021. I contributed with a chapter for this anthology as well.

If you think that’s all… there’s more about how our paths intertwine!

Gabriela launched her biggest and dearest project this year: Introverts Academy – a place where she shares her knowledge from years of coaching, consulting and mentoring on a personal and an organizational level. More details, along with multiple free resources (podcasts, videos, ebooks, etc) are on the Introverts Academy’s site. ;

Including the latest, hottest thing: her course Networking… The Introvert Way!I found that most people I know are self-described introverts. If you don’t know what an introvert is or are not sure if you are one, Gabriela has a quiz that will help you discover more about yourself.

Gabriela is a great person and someone I often consult with. We’re both part of the same mastermind group, and I am also a member of the Advisory Committee for her Introverts Academy project.

The fun part: we never actually met in person!

As I said, you can watch the video of my interview and read the transcript below.


Gabriela: I think we are live 🙂 We have some technical problems because we wanted to broadcast on Facebook, and Facebook has some issues. So hello again! I’m Gabriela and I’m an award-winning author, organizational and relationship system, coach, and founder of Introverts Academy

And today with me I have Emanuel Petrescu, SEO specialist from Toronto as my guest. Thank you so much for coming!

Emanuel: Thank you so much for having m-e, Gabriela, and hello to all your viewers.

Gabriela: Yep. Hello everyone. Maybe you noticed this in our description. I invited Emanuel today because I’m really interested in his professional path. He switched from one field to another, and they’re totally different, and I’m really curious to find out more about his background. So Emanuel we know each other for about two years, I guess…

Emanuel: Close to two, yes!

Gabriela: We are both Romanians but we’ve never met in Romania, not even when we came to Canada, it’s just serendipity. ;

You find out about the book Building Bridges, where I had the chapter. So I’ll let you describe how you reach out to me. How did you find out about me and that book?

Emanuel: Thank you so much, Gabriela. So what happened: after I came to Canada in late 2017 (I still consider myself “recent” to Canada, but it’s been already five years), a friend of mine came to visit Toronto for a day in 2019. 

He’s a movie director and was here for a festival. When we were together, I learned about the book called Building Bridges – an anthology published by the Immigrant Writers Association. 

Several immigrant authors from Canada, mostly Toronto, were featured in this book. And obviously (I have a curious mind), I went on Amazon to order it. The next day I received and read the book. 

It was surprisingly nice. I resonated with lots of the stories there, most being immigrant stories. But I resonated the most with Gabriela Cășineanu’’s story – which is yours. Because you shared the intimate moment that not so many are willing to share, but I believe that many immigrants experience. I believe all experience it at a certain phase in our lives and most throughout our careers. And obviously, I reached out to each author by social media because right now it’s easy to get in contact with almost everyone. And that’s how our relationships started and began to work together. We exchanged thoughts and information, we started to implement them into IWA’s website and more, working together (not just limited to IWA). Did I miss anything?

Gabriela: Nope, it’s okay. I just want to say that Emanuel and I are talking about the first Immigrant Writers Association anthology, Building Bridges

This is an association that I started after I wrote and self-published my first book. And then, every year IWA publishes a new anthology. And we had the pleasure to have Emanuel joining us for the second anthology, Growth Together. And the third one – Moving Forward – is coming up in November. I love how Emanuel finds his way into what he likes. I understand that you like to write, right?

Emanuel P: I do. I like to “let the demon out” how I like to say sometimes. 🙂

Gabriela: Why I’m sharing the story about the anthologies it’s because I noticed that Emanuel has a lot of interests. Tell us how it started, how your professional path started? 

Emanuel P: Professional path. 🙂 My professional career started way longer than I would like to admit, more than 10 years ago, close to 15 years. I actually went the other way. I started my entrepreneurship journey in high school. I created at that time a recording studio and a record label. It was independent. And after high school, I decided to give it a try full-time. 

That’s where I dedicated most of my time for a few years. And that’s essentially how I learned many of the things and skills that I am putting to work today. 

Since I didn’t have the budget, I learned to build my websites on my own, learned WordPress, learn about SEO – which was very different back then, but still some core elements, some basic elements are still valid even today; I learned about the search engine, how to structure your URL, your website, headings, keywords, backlinks, and so on.

I was, for many years, the first on the first page of Google back home in Romania for the most important keywords in my field – like recording studio for example.

I also learned how to communicate with people, how to make relationships and network with key industry stakeholders and to promote the product that I had back then, which was essentially the artists and their albums, and their singles and some videos, and so on. 

I was quite successful, underground, at one point. So I’m proud of some of the things that came out of that work. Then after a while, I moved to corporate.

Gabriela: Let’s stop here because I have a question. You talked about what you liked, about that experience. You were very successful and you learned a lot out of it. 

What made you move to something else? Why did you leave that behind? Because from what you’re saying, you are passionate about and enjoyed what you were doing. So what made you shift to something else?

Emanuel P: Something I shared in the upcoming IWA anthology (Moving Forward). It’s an Indian proverb that says: “If you don’t have what you like, you better like what you have.” 

So essentially I am passionate about everything I do. I’ve been blessed so far by actually trying to enjoy whatever I’m doing as work. So I never saw it as work in regards to music. I still love music. I still listen to and feel music

And that’s something I mentioned in my chapter from the upcoming anthology. Our viewers can read the chapter for more details. 

But, being from the music industry, inside, I couldn’t enjoy the music as much as I am today, for example. 

I can enjoy live shows. I can enjoy listening to an album without all the facts that go around when you’re somehow in the industry. So I decided to move on, move forward in my career and took a position in the corporate environment.

Gabriela: What type of position and what were you doing?

Emanuel P: Uh, well, how I like to say, I was getting paid for watching TV. I worked in the advertising industry on TV monitoring. I was monitoring the TV stations and essentially, simplified: I was watching TV. 

I was monitoring most of the TV stations to ensure everything was according to what they declared. That was back home in Romania. 

And I did that job for about three years.
Gabriela: Was it easy to get from your own recording studio into a corporate-paid job?

Emanuel P: It was different. Networking helped a lot. So, probably like anywhere else, having a solid network and having people that trust you helps you along the line. Maybe not at the moment, maybe not when you want it or when you need it, but it does pay off. 

So the transition was smooth. I guess because, as I said before, I always try to identify myself as much as I can with what I do. And I try not to hate what I do that much. 🙂

Fortunately, I wasn’t in so many situations that I disliked completely what I did.

Gabriela: So what was next after those three years?

Emanuel P: Well I’ve done other gigs. And also, in the meantime – because of the skills I developed during my entrepreneurial career (SEO and digital marketing, doing advertising or building websites and so on) – I have consulted successfully other businesses as well. And, for a short period of time, helped some insurance companies and brokers with their online presence while emerging. They were some new companies and we established quite successfully their online presence. 

After my father passed away, I took over his accounting company. So I’ve been involved in the accounting world for a couple of years as well.

Gabriela: Let’s talk about this a little. How did you go from helping businesses with their online presence to accounting, which required totally different skills? How did you acquire those skills? How did you make that shift so fast?

Emanuel P: Well, to be honest, I’ve always been around my father and I learned a thing or two about accounting while he was around. So I knew what was going on, what was required and, we need to put in the context, right? 

It was different than what it is – let’s say here in Canada or in North America – from what accounting meant and implied even 10 years ago back home in Romania. 

Things are simplified right now, but back then they were a little bit different. So being involved all the time, I kind of knew the way things were going. 

And, like in SEO, and in every aspect of life I guess, there are some essential skills: the so-called soft skills. I don’t know why they’re called soft but that’s a topic maybe for another conversation. These soft skills can easily help you if you apply them successfully, I guess. I hope, in the same framework, in anything that you will do. 

So being honest, being serious, and dedicate yourself to getting the job done can be applied in every context. And those are the key factors in order to be successful, in my opinion.

Gabriela: And those technical skills you can learn. It’s just important to know how you learn and how to apply, how to be good in what you’re doing, right?

Emanuel P: Adaptability, I guess that’s the keyword here :).

Gabriela: Yes. From what I’m hearing, I would also say that you’re very assertive in everything that you do: you think about something and you look for ways to get into that direction, to achieve that goal. 

You move very fast from one direction to another, but you are able to establish yourself in any direction you choose. What helps you?

Emanuel P: I hope I get to establish myself, so far it has been great :). It’s not necessarily easy but not necessarily bad also. I don’t believe that things should be easy. 

I guess I’m probably a determined person. And also I don’t give up easily. So being persistent, it’s one personal characteristic that probably differentiates me from others. To insist and persist until I get the job done regardless of what that might mean.

Gabriela: So you have experience back home in Romania, and you have experience here in Canada. How your professional past evolved when you came to Canada? Was it useful what you did before? In what way is different? 

Emanuel P: It was different for sure. Also, I’ve seen this as an opportunity to really think about what I want to do, because I had so many different backgrounds. 

I had the opportunity to think about what I really want to do and where should I focus my attention. And obviously, there’s a buffer, right? There’s a buffer period. 

Once you come to Canada until you actually get into not a job but to a career that you want to be in.

Gabriela: So let me help you? Just in general because you’re here, my guest, I want to see your experience.

Emanuel P: Out of all things I did, I think I enjoyed the most, the digital marketing side of the things that I did in the past. And especially search engine optimization, which is part of digital marketing. Essentially, that is helping businesses build their own reputation and stand out higher in the search engine results pages – which essentially rank higher on Google organically and not through paid advertising.

Gabriela: So, you keep talking about SEO. We talked about accounting. Do they meet anywhere in this work that you’re doing with small businesses? How do you combine the two? What do you think about it, is there any common ground for accounting and SEO?

Emanuel P: Certainly there are common elements between accounting and SEO. If you’re all over the place, then you are up to a bad start, right? Oh, did we invoice that client? Did he pay us? Where’s the document? Where is everything? 

So if you don’t have, from an accounting standpoint, everything in order, then you will have difficulties. The same thing goes for SEO. And that’s something I tell a lot, you know, let’s keep it straight. Let’s keep it simple. 

Let’s take it as seriously as doing your taxes, doing your marketing – especially the SEO – as doing your taxes. Obviously, you don’t need to do your taxes if you are willing to support the consequences :). 

With bad marketing, you’re leaving money on the table, if you, as a business, especially a small business, don’t take care of the digital marketing aspect. And right now your online presence is mostly your website.

Gabriela: So if you’re talking about small businesses and their online presence, what do they think is challenging for them? And what would you advise them?

Emanuel P: There are many challenges as being a business owner, not just to the marketing side of things, but managing the business itself. 

And that’s why most of the time they leave the marketing – or their online presence – lower on their priority list. So if I were to give one piece of advice is to put the marketing and the SEO, and everything regarding your company promotion higher on the priority list.

Gabriela: Are than any tips to help? Because as you said, a small business owner juggles with a lot of hats, do suggest any systems or strategies that might be helpful?

Emanuel P: We can discuss more when we have time. Do we have ten hours now? 🙂 So we can just start with what can be done.

Gabriela: A few, two, or three tips.

Emanuel P: I would say, first of all – because as you said, a business owner needs to wear many hats –, I recommend focusing a little bit more on creating video content (it’s hype right now). There is no one that knows the business better than you. So some video content. 

Also, I recommend a lot repurposing the content. There are so many tools and channels where you can promote. Is not just limited to the website, but also what’s happening outside of it. 

And we talk about video: there’s YouTube, are other social media channels, and so on. All these take time. Regardless of how much you don’t want, you need to spend some time to actually be successful. 

That being said, you don’t need to reinvent the wheel each time. So I would suggest creating seed content. I call it the seed content because you can repurpose it. Take chunks of it and do a social media post, do a quote from that. 

You have video, you get the audio. Like I said, after we get the recording for this live session, I’m going to get the transcription. I’m going to arrange it and post it on my website so we can get also the benefit of having the words, the keywords, on an actual web page – to rank for some of those keywords, build some links, etc. 

We’ll have just one seed content we’re going to focus on, making it the best as possible. And then we can repurpose and have content for the next couple of years. 

And that can easily be applied, to any type of business.

Gabriela: And thinking again about your career paths, what do you suggest to people who want to change careers? Or to change countries? Or jobs between different companies?

Emanuel P: I guess it depends. I can only talk from my perspective and give my own example. I guess it starts from trying not to hate, at least that much, whatever it is that you’re doing. And try to embrace change as part of your life. 

It says that the only constant thing is change. 

Gabriela: And where the passion comes in if you think about your career? You’re just doing something and try not to hate it? Or do you bring passion into what you’re doing, paying attention to what you’re interested in, what you really love to do? So how does that work in your case?

Emanuel P: In my case, I like to think that it does for me. 

The passion is natural, but you can also learn to develop it. It starts with a passion, but once you get involved more and try to learn as much as you can about the business (being accounting work, SEO, digital marketing, this goes for everything) – you learn to like it. 

And love it. 

At one point I was talking to somebody who jogged for like 40 or close to 50 years. and he told me: “Listen, for the first three years, I didn’t like doing it, but now I miss it.” Because of his age, he cannot run anymore. 

He said that if he’s missing anything from when he was younger is the opportunity to run. So I guess that can be applied in any given example, in any situation. 

And you’ll learn to love it once you spend some time and try to develop the skills that are required for the job to be done well.

Gabriela: I don’t fully agree with you. My perspective is to figure out what you’re interested in and start working in that direction. 

Yes, you might do something else temporarily. And like you’re saying, try to find things that you love about the position, even if in general, you don’t like it. But still, have a plan B to work on. Because at plan B: if it’s something that you’re passionate about, you’re interested in, you get that energy and motivation to put it into whatever you’re doing, but also build the steps you’re interested in, step by step, to move forward. So what’s your perspective on this?

Emanuel P: Yeah, it was a little bit different. I consider myself lucky because I wasn’t put, or maybe I just managed to overcome any difficulties I had one way or another. Obviously, for example, myself, I wouldn’t go towards an engineering career or something so technical because it doesn’t fit me and I wouldn’t be interested in it. It will be hard for me to find a passion for what I’d do there. 

There are definitely moments in the job that you love but the things that you need to do are not so appealing. 

And I noticed this when I was managing my own recording studio and I had to sit behind the desk, I can tell for sure that nobody really likes at the beginning of their career, to set up the project, route the channels, set up the cables, microphones, gear and everything before a recording session.

Sounds overwhelming. And for a simple recording, you can have up to even three hours spent just on the setup before the recording starts. 

But, you learn to love these things. Once you develop the skills to actually understand what you are doing.

Gabriela: So what I’m hearing from you is you’re working on the path that you want, but you learn how to deal with these little things that you don’t like about the path (because there might be things like this happening). 

So what you’re saying: it’s not that you do whatever you do and force yourself to like it, and then you move to something else. 

It’s kind of a combination of what I said and what you’re doing.

Emanuel P: Yes, probably. You’re a coach and a mentor. You talk with more people that probably are in my situation, you have a better way of expressing it. 

I only have myself to give as an example. And as I said, I wouldn’t call it necessarily luck because it wasn’t all that easy all the time.

Gabriela: I call it you made your luck; you chose the direction and learned how to navigate it, and how to deal with the challenges that came along the way. But you are still in charge of that path.

Emanuel P: I like to think so!

Gabriela: That’s how it looks like. And you, along the way, learned different skills, you acquired different expertise and you start combining them in a way that helps. For example, you started the recording studio and now you’re helping small businesses, but every single thing that you learned in between is helping with what you’re doing now.

Emanuel P: Most definitely. And I also have a feeling of accomplishment when the client is satisfied. As I like to say: the job is well done, regardless of it’s a song or this month’s results are better than last month or last year in terms of their digital marketing and SEO campaign. 

That’s something amazing; I could say: I am passionate about delivering that type of service (job well done) whatever it might be: accounting work, SEO work, monitoring TV, etc.

Gabriela: You do! I noticed that you have a newsletter, it’s called “How about some marketing.” In that newsletter, you’re not talking only about SEO and small businesses. 

You’re talking about a lot more things. So I want to ask you: how do you bring yourself (the whole person) into what you’re doing? What about outside what do we call a professional path? How do you mix these together?

Emanuel P: I think because, as the script goes, I identify myself with the product. Me being the product. 

As I say in the tagline for the newsletter, is more than marketing. And I, as you said, rarely mentioned SEO and social media or paid advertising.

I talk more about the stories and what’s behind an idea. Basically, I comment on an important event or something that I consider that my subscribers would benefit from me sharing that knowledge. I believe that’s a key element that develops a relationship. Because that’s what I’m trying to do: develop the relationships, the networking. But I will go a little bit more than networking, and call them relationships with my subscribers.

Gabriela: Okay. I’m bringing in my book, my first book, Introverts: Leverage Your Strengths for an Effective Job Search. I know that you read it. In what way the content of that book helped you?

Emanuel P: Not only that I read it, but I recommended it to many other immigrants. Because I’ve been also mentoring some new immigrants to Canada that have reached out to me, people that want to get a job and start working in the digital marketing field. 

So whenever I talk to someone, I tell them, start here

First of all, I send them to your book. As I said, I wish I had that book when I first came to Canada. Because everything that you learn at some courses that you take as a new immigrant, and mentorship programs, and other books, webinars, and seminars, are concentrated in a single place. 

And that’s your book. Also, it’s structured in a way that makes sense. At least it made sense for me and brings a different perspective.

You know, it also challenges your thoughts a little bit. You actually interact with your readers; although it’s a book, you say do this, do that, in a way that it helps them identify key elements about themselves (especially introverts), those elements that would stand out and differentiate them from their competition. Not SEO, but the competition for getting a job, and actually have a chance of standing out during an interview. 

As I said, the title is a little bit misleading is because I wouldn’t consider it limited to just the introverts – valid skills for everyone.

Gabriela: Yes. It’s true, I put a lot of exercises and strategies that work for both extroverts and introverts. I just edited some extra for introverts because they need a different approach since introverts and extroverts have complementary traits.

I consider them as strengths, and I put in that book strategies for introverts to leverage the strengths they already have – because they are so different from extroverts’ that sometimes the strategies that we hear often don’t apply well to introverts. 

So that’s the way I chose to use the introvert’s word in the title. 

I know that you changed jobs since you came to Canada. Since you read the book, is there anything in particular that helped you from that book on your career path in Canada?

Emanuel P: Most definitely. Those exercises help. And it’s important. We read many books where it says, go do this, or do that, or get a pen and paper and start writing down top 10 skills or top things that you do, but we never actually do that. 

I think that was one of the first books that made me actually take a pen and paper and wrote down all these things, including the Wheel of Life. So that helped me to bring out what was already there, but put it in a different perspective. So it shaped and gave me a new perspective. I guess that would answer your question.

Gabriela: Yes, thank you. Someone who told me that my book presents the job search from a holistic perspective (not just do this, do that, just send your application). 

I talk about many more aspects that are related to job search that usually are not covered in the job search workshops because there is much more: the mindset, the attitude you bring to the job search, not only the skills that you have. 

Also, the human factor that many people don’t take into consideration; that you have to put yourself out there to increases your visibility and gain trust – because that’s what will open more doors for you, even more than your resume. 

And you, Emanuel, you’re proof of how you evolved in your career because you increase your network, you increase your visibility and gain trust, so people helped you. 

Can you elaborate more on that networking part, how it helped you?

Emanuel P: First of all let me thank you first, because definitely, you helped. And also for the opportunity, I guess I’m blessed because we get to work together on many different projects. That’s also an opportunity for me to learn.

But what was your question again? 🙂 

Gabriela: About networking. How it helped you in Canada? In what way?

Emanuel P: Obviously, when you come to Canada, you don’t really have a huge network and you kind of focus on the channels that are offered at first. 

And there are many here and the government does a great job in supporting new immigrants through courses, schools, mentorship programs, through different organizations dedicated to helping new immigrants adapt to the Canadian job market. 

That being said, this is just the first layer. But it’s you who actually need to do the work. I like to think of myself as a social person, and I like to offer, help and volunteer. 

And that’s one way of developing great relationships that can turn into networking; and you can reach out – not necessarily for something very specific – but for help and support. 

With your permission, I’ll give an example right now: I’m asking you, every now and then, some questions. And I consult with you also as a coach and a mentor. 

So these types of relationships help you a lot in your career, not just at – specific moment, but throughout your life.

Gabriela: And if you’re talking about this. We’re part of the same mastermind group, and I noticed that a lot of people don’t know what a mastermind group is and what could be the benefits. How do you benefit from being in this mastermind group?

Emanuel P: I think the single most important thing of beiing a member of a masterming is that you’re held accountable by your peers

You brainstorm together and write what you want to do: I want to do this. And next time when we meet, the other person will ask: “Have you done this?” Because you said you will do it. 

And that’s probably why I also launched my newsletter How About Some Marketing. I launched this year, or as I like to say: “15 years later, but who’s counting?” 

So the accountability element is very important. Speaking of accounting, again, right? 

The other important aspect of being part of a mastermind group is that you can share ideas, and also see other perspectives and other person’s points of view. 

I will argue that it’s better when not everyone thinks the same way as you. Because you don’t have the opportunity to know what others might think, and you can find that out from your mastermind. 

By having that mastermind as the first layer when you launch a project – as you did with your project Introvert Academy –  you can get feedback from people with different perspectives. 

That’s something that I guess companies used to pay millions of dollars, to get that type of information. 

These are two essential things that you can benefit from being part of a mastermind.

Gabriela: I totally agree with that. When I started the Introverts Academy, I put together an advisory committee and I was looking for people who have different types of expertise because I don’t know everything. 

And I wanted to bring their expertise to the table. When we have meetings, they have a lot of great ideas; they also helped me after each meeting. 

My mind is more open with these new ideas and perspectives, new ways of looking at things. 

And that’s very useful. I highly encourage people – whether you have a public project or not, if it’s just for yourself or your career – to get a group of people, your own advisory board. And you can offer to be in these kinds of groups, it’s very helpful. It helped me to bring the Introverts Academy up to this point and move forward. 

Every time when I have a new meeting, I bring to the table things that I found challenging, where I need some ideas, and they keep me accountable. It’s very, very useful. 

Do you have anything else to add?

Emanuel P: Might be many things. But if I were to give just one last thought, especially because we brought in our conversation my immigrant journey: I’d like to remind people to be patient, to reach out to people and ask as many questions as possible; to try to connect with people that might be able to help. 

Gabriela: And I would like to extend that concept because it applies to everyone, not only to new immigrants: if you start your business if you start a career or make a career change if you want to change your job… everything you said applies! 

Increasing your network is helpful. You need time to build your network. But when you need it, it’s there. Instead of starting at that point to build your network and then reaching out to people, you build up credibility and trust in time. That’s very important and useful. 

That’s why I created the new course for Introverts Academy

It’s called Networking… The Introvert Way!! because I want introverts to understand more this concept. And I showed them how to use it, to stay true to their introverted nature. And how to manage their energy,  because that’s the most important part for us introverts.

The last thing, Emanuel. Do you have two or three books to recommend to people? I know you read a lot of books. 

From everything, you’ve read in your life, what books or authors you would recommend to others?

Emanuel P:

Thank you so much. I want to add something based on what you said recently, before going to books. 

I’m going to share a secret: most people like to help, especially the successful ones. So don’t be afraid. The worst thing that can happen is you won’t get an answer to your message. 

I personally love when someone reaches out to me with a question. Especially when I don’t know the answer, because it puts me to work and it helps me

Now, back to the books. I like to read a lot. I’d love to have the time to actually read everything. Excluding the present authors and the books we discussed, last year I read Ray Dalio’s Principles. Ray Dalio is a retired hedge fund manager. He’s one of the big guys and in this book, he shared the principles he used throughout his career that made him quite successful.

I’ve read many books, even about this (personal development). apparently, this one spoke to me in a language I understood. Probably also because I was at the right age when I connected all the dots and everything made sense. 

One thing he emphasizes is radical transparency. I love the concept a lot because we all make mistakes and we must be open and learn from them. 

Some companies don’t even call them mistakes; they call them learning opportunities or stuff like that, but it’s about being transparent.

Also the concept of evaluation and feedback. Those are some key concepts that have impacted my life, significantly in the past year. 

I would recommend getting a copy as soon as possible. And that’s one book I would suggest, there are many others. 

It’s always good to read for the spiritual side too, any spiritual books that one might have. But I would stick to Ray Dalio’s Principles for the moment; and I’ll speak about my books, the books I read, and what made an impact in my newsletter and on my website.

Gabriela: So if you want to connect with Emanuel, his website is EmanuelP.com. And if you want to join his newsletter, you go to Howaboutsomemarketing.com and you’ll hear more from my Emanuel. He is sharing insights from what inspires him and some tips here and there. 

Two more things that I want to share. 

One is a principle from the same book: accepting the different perspectives of others. 

When people have different opinions, don’t just stay in your own bubble. Those who have an opposite perspective than yours, actually help you stretch out your comfort zone, and that’s how you can evolve. 

The mastermind group is based on the same concept. 

And I’ll end up with this:
is not only about reaching out to people, it’s also how much you help other people. Because they are very busy – especially successful people – and they need help as well. 

And you can only increase your chances to get some answers from them. If you offer to help in one way or another – ask if they need help, in what ways you can help – they will tell you.  

There are a lot of things you can do.

I hope you enjoy this interview. Thank you so much for joining me today, Emanuel! 

Emanuel P: Thank you so much, Gabriela!

Gabriela: And connect with us on LinkedIn. Ask us questions in the comments section if you want us to share more. See you next time.Thank you!



Emanuel Petrescu

Emanuel Petrescu is an accomplished SEO specialist based in Toronto, Canada. He is a digital marketing wizard, offering digital marketing services for more than 10 years, consulting corporate clients, small business owners and other independent professionals enhancing their online presence.
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Emanuel Petrescu

Emanuel Petrescu is an accomplished SEO specialist based in Toronto, Canada. He is a digital marketing wizard, offering digital marketing services for more than 10 years, consulting corporate clients, small business owners and other independent professionals enhancing their online presence.
Read Emanuel's full bio