I’ve been a guest on Anatolii’s podcast and this marks another breakthrough – this is actually the first podcast I’m being a guest on as an SEO specialist, so, thank you Anatolii. We discussed basic SEO, but also some insights and key strategies on how to leverage the power of the search engines. And also we discussed life (dogs, football, etc). Watch the video or listen to the audio. You can also read the transcript below. Funny note, in the meantime, Anatolii rebranded his site from SEOTools to UNmiss.
Win The SEO Game Podcast Transcript
Intro: Are you ready to learn? Because my super experienced guests are ready to share some really valuable information, make sure to listen all the way to the end to get help and support. So let’s start with the best audio experience.
Anatolii: Hello everyone, and welcome to our show. Today we will discuss SEO and we will touch topics about digital marketing as well. I’m excited to discuss all possible questions with Mr. Emanuel Petrescu. How are you?
Emanuel: Hey, Anatolii and hi to your audience. I’m fine, how about you?
Anatolii: I’m pretty well. I wake up in the morning, I have two dogs and they share positive feelings, you know, setting your attitude for the whole day :). And I try to avoid any negative emotions. That’s why I’m feeling good. You need to set up your positive mindset. Why did you decide to take this topic and share more insights about yourself and your passion?
Emanuel: Thank you so much for that question. Well, digital marketing encompasses so many aspects of what we do today and digital marketing is the actual marketing right now. I started a while back in the 2000s how I like to say when I had my own business and since I didn’t have any budget, I learned how to build a website, how to promote it, learned the technical aspect – as in the title tags, the links and the backlinks acquired, or using keywords – back then you could stuff keywords and it was still okay to rank pretty well. So that’s how I learned; then I pursued doing other things but I was always consulting people mostly on their digital marketing campaigns and online presence overall – how to establish a solid online presence so people can find them. And later on, I took several jobs within agencies and for a little while, I decided to strongly focus on the SEO aspect of the digital marketing path.
Anatolii: Ah you know I completely agree with this point because I often see when marketers try to cover a lot, you know, Facebook, pay-per-click, I don’t know, you can’t be successful everywhere, of course, it’s better to focus in one direction to be the best. I remember when Cristiano Ronaldo was asked about his son, and the question was do you want to see your son as a soccer player? He replied, yes, I want, but if he doesn’t want to play football I want to tell him to be the best in any niche that he chooses, for example, even a doctor. Yeah. Why not? But be the best! I think it’s the same with Digital Marketing when people try to cover a lot of aspects, as I often see many marketers on Twitter, or when I started my LinkedIn journey, I said no way I can compete with them, and I chose LinkedIn and I think, yeah, it’s the right approach to focus. And, you know, I have the same experience when they started to do SEO, searching for keywords, link building and it changes all the time. I think that SEO is more complicated and to tell more about researching keywords, how to find them. keywords, how to group them, how to choose keywords that you want to get results. More insights.
Emanuel: Right. I was still laughing because of what you said that Cristiano Ronaldo told his son: you can be everything you want, even a doctor it’s like it’s something bad becoming a doctor – 🙂 So as you said, digital marketing and SEO especially evolve – it’s very dynamic, so what’s available this morning may be completely obsolete or even more damaging to your entities or website by the end of the day. So, I guess we need to understand that the search engine, as in Google, only wants to offer its user, the people who perform the query, the best possible answers for those queries, that simple! Hey, we cranked the billion-dollar algorithm, right? Congratulations, you passed!! So it’s all about matching the intent. It sounds easier than it is. Right? So I always try to look for what people are actually looking for, and especially in niches. Niche, niches especially some niches have their own channels, right? On Reddit, you’ll find lots of interesting stuff and lots of subjects and what people are actually talking about. You know, back in the day, we used to go to the market to hear what people were talking, make our financial decisions based on that or they were thinking about politics, about the ruler and so on, but kind of like see Reddit as something, something similar, you kind of get a lot of sense, right? Any search starts with the search engine itself, right? So on the first page, when you put the seed keyword that should tell you more or less about 80% of what your campaign should be based on: what people are looking at? what kind of results are and how you can fit your site or your client site into one of those top positions. And it depends obviously on many other factors, such as the history, how many years he has been in business if he has some sort of authority, but I think, and it’s proven that’s kinda like the right approach.
Anatolii: Okay. Which metrics are most important for keyword researching? For example, I often get clients who tell me: can you promote the keyword finance or weight loss, and then check out their websites, no authority, you know, high-quality content. I’m not sure it’s a good approach. You know, when you try to overcome big companies, some of them can cost a billion dollars trying to rank these keywords: tell how to find keywords, for example, for a new website that has no authority or trust. And it’s only at the start of this journey, how to find the right keywords and choose priorities with them.
Emanuel: Based on what you said, we need to reiterate that, especially in commerce: 80 to 90% of all e-commerce businesses compete with Amazon, compete with Walmart, and all these giants. So there’s a wrestling match right there. But, what I do first of all if it’s a new site and a new company, I try to tell, depends on the owner, I tell you, be patient, you won’t see results as easily and as soon as you might think. SEO is not, as opposed to paid advertising, doesn’t have an on and off switch that you can turn on and off and get traffic. It’s a long-term game and it pays well, but you need to be patient. Then obviously we start with the research, to figure out the intent and start with the long-tail keywords that are so-called low hanging fruit, you address and try to come up with the best answer again for what people are searching for. Usually, long-tail keywords are what we get from the seed keyword, that asks a specific question, which has less volume hence you have a better chance of ranking for that keyword as opposed to something so general as in weight loss or finance and so on. And obviously, it’s unrealistic to even include a keyword like finance or weight loss in any kind of report, especially if it’s a new site. If you are or have been in business and for a while and run a good number of volumes trading that product, you might get a chance, but usually, you start with the long tail and try to address again the people’s question because that’s something I still want to learn to go deep myself in actually matching that in writing for the people – being more important than taking all the other factors in consideration.
Anatolii: Well, tell me more about a for example if I choose long-tail keywords, yes. I want to promote them. What’s the next step? For example, I have a list of long-tail keywords, a big list, probably a hundred keywords, something like this. What is the next step? If I have no content?
Emanuel: To create some.
Anatolii: Yeah I agree. hahaha!!
Emanuel: That’s a starting point. Obviously, you looked for the quick win possible. Even a question, even an answer – it might not be as easy as one of my things to pull it all together. But you look for the volume. You look for a specific area because some questions are more tailored to certain locations. So I personally will look for the volume and more searches – volume, more interests and so on and also competitors, right? What are they doing and how you can better address, better answer the questions already your competitors are addressing. And if there’s an opportunity to add something extra or add some more information, some insights that you theoretically, a guy who has experience in the field can bring, something unique from here. All of his years of experience from that niche weight loss – I’m assuming it’s been in business for some time or finance. He has seen and consulted so many people and there’s always something so small, let’s say opportunity, right? That only tells his clients in person, you can easily add that to that. So it’s a mix. It’s a synergy between the consultant, the SEO, and the client who can also provide some valuable insights on top of what the SEO manager, along with the copywriters and all the technical team has put together. I always like that, spark some unique content, some unique insights from the clients themselves. I think that’s one of the approaches.
Anatolii: Yeah. You know, from my experience, I often see when clients don’t understand their user intent, you know, of choosing keyboards and a domain issue, they usually try to cover a lot of keywords from the first attempt and they have limited resources. They come to create a lot of quite valuable and quality content. How can you lead clients who don’t know where to start? For example, if you have a list of keywords, how to choose priorities and how to create this kind of quality content because I often see the websites have good content, not bad, but you know, it doesn’t relate with user intent, you know, people are searching for something else. And especially if we are talking about long-tail keywords, that means your content should be specific to these keywords, you know, to reply to the questions that people might ask about these keywords. How do you address user intent and choose priorities?
Emanuel: I’ve I think, I didn’t say that, but I worked for close to 4 years for a company that worked exclusively with lawyers from the U S. So, that’s an interesting niche and those clients are quite peculiar. There’s also a balanced – ex modus in rebus – there must be a balance, everything for the client and some clients who are more, have a stronger personality, really, really want to monitor some keywords specifically or they consider that those guys are my competitors, although they say otherwise, right? So real competitors versus their online competitors. Now, to answer your question – data should be the first place to go and make our decision based on that. So we look at the data and see what exactly is happening. For example lawyers, lawyers will want to focus more on the property division when actually adoption brings more traffic and more interest even if they get more to the side. So it’s one thing to tell them something very general, and another thing to actually tell them is, look this is what’s happening, this is what the data shows us, and he’s also able to confirm that: oh yeah, I’ve been getting a lot of calls or a lot of people showing interest in that specific type of thing. So again, there’s a mix, but data is where I go, and that’s what I’ve seen. I learned this from others, right? lots of SEO’s say, go there and make your decision based on what the data says. And usually, it’s the right decision.
Anatolii: Yeah. Okay. Let’s talk about lawyers. Yes. for example. If your client is a lawyer and he replied to you: writing is not my best side, I can be of course you know, I can help my clients to, I don’t know, to refund money from some companies, but I’m not good at writing. What to do? For example, in most cases, webmasters go to Upwork and hire some copywriter that writes about everything. You know, for example, when I check out this text sometimes I can’t understand if it’s good text or not, but if I read this text about digital marketing, I can tell you it’s good or not because it’s my direction and I can understand the quality, you know? I mean the quality of context, I don’t mean the content and how to help clients write quality content.
Emanuel: I’m going to expand a little bit on the question and I’m going to go back at the beginning of our conversation. When you say that digital marketing is SEO but also email marketing, paid advertising, social media and so on, or SEO by itself is not just that. There’s a lot of things. I didn’t find a person who can write a beautiful piece of content, and also code the website in a matter that’s very fast and everything else. And also, think about the link-building aspect of the website, you know, to build all those linksThe SEO usually is the person but he’s like a manager, right. making a parallel, like you said, with soccer, with football. He’s the manager who manages the contacts with all these people. So it’s you who needs to build trust with the client and it’s you who needs to deliver something of high quality? I was happy to find good people on our board myself. I actually found some talented ones. Obviously, I went through a lot of trials and errors, but you might find it there. But in need, you need to do the work regardless. So a copywriter will deliver some good content. Let’s say you find that perfect person. You pay them $10 for 2000, 2000 words over an article. And it’s good, but you need to do some of your work yourself. You still need to, let’s say, get in contact with a designer to create a nice graphic for that. Let’s say blog posts, right? You still need to spend some time to actually read that content and also verify the information. And also see, especially in the law industry, which is very Google, the search engine. Google is very particular in what it chooses to rank. And it makes sense because you cannot give people just any kind of information, just like that, to take it for granted. Right. I need to spend some time building the authority of that article. You know, insert some links to external sources. Sometimes some sources are quoted and you need to put that in there. An SEO wears many hats, but ideally, there’s a team and there are dedicated people. And you, as the SEO, as the person is the manager and delivers the kind of final product – the client doesn’t need to know. And he wouldn’t want anyway to deal with all the things, you know, back and forth. This is it. Okay, this is good. This is not let’s change, let’s change that. But 90% of the final product should be delivered to the client by SEO – manages the content writers and the graphic designers and everything else that needs to be done for that content to serve the people’s queries. That’s it.
Anatolii: Yeah. You know, you remind me of the situation that I got a new client and he got a blog of weight loss supplements, and, we’ve tracked it, not bad, like a hundred thousand people a month and he came to me because he got, Google filter, you know that was Penguin and he was a lot of traffic, recovered, without my help just allow many these backlinks and he asked me to help because the previous agency couldn’t get results even to get this filter. And to a fault on his website that all titles, where I need them for the sake of having them, you know, without considering keywords, without agents. I mean like, you know, when you write titles it’s better to give a strong reason to open your content because 80% of titles are not open because people usually scan the top 10 results. They have no time to read them. They can if you can get their attention. Yeah. They might click on your title. And, you know, I wrote all this, not all these titles. I don’t remember how many pages he got, like a few thousands on pages, but I opened a Google Search Console I’m looked at the pages that have traffic and we wrote titles for these pages and traffic increased two times for a month. And he told me: you know, you’re a magician. I replied to him. No, I’m not a magician. He told me. no, all SEO’s tell me I need to wait to six months, 12 months to get the results, but you got results for a month.
Emanuel: You haven’t really touched the website. right? Only on the spreadsheet. So I don’t even touch the website and… Magic!!
Anatolii: Yeah, but my team re-wrote all these titles provided additional reasons to open this content and it’s not because of increasing ranking positions. just to get more traffic with existing positions. Okay. Tell me your insights, how we can improve or not improve. It’s better to ask how to add keywords to the pages, because for example, when if you have a list of keywords, you need to add them. And I think then you have to go – we just put them in context without anything special. I asked my copywriters, please add five times, 10 times this keyword. And yeah, I was right at that time, because of today. I’m not sure because today Google can analyze content for a human, you know, it’s much better and It’s simple to read. Tell more insights on how to add keywords today.
Emanuel: Again, I’m going to go back a little bit to what we discussed, and also I’m going to give you an example from the law industry, because I’m only a bit more familiar than other industries, right? If you look for the keyword spousal support or alimony, let’s say New York, or alimony Chicago, alimony Illinois. Alimony is spousal support. You’ll find that most first two or three results don’t even have the word alimony on the page. Although they rank number one for arguably interest, higher interest keywords, right? A keyword that brings in a lot of traffic and a lot of money for the clients. So, this shows us that Google is smart enough to know what alimony is, although you don’t have it on the page, it shows the spousal support page, which gives you the best results that you are looking for in the query. That’s quite the opposite of what happened 10 years ago when it was the same keyword in the title three times. And in the article itself and so on. Obviously, there needs to be a mix that needs to be a nice flow. Google is not a human, but he kind of started learning how to read human-like content. So if you sense that something’s wrong, it probably is. So, here’s my magic: actually read that content. And if it makes sense, then it’s good. If it doesn’t make sense, you will feel that something is exaggerated a little bit, then do something about it. That’s my approach.
Anatolii: You know I like this approach. Of course, it’s better to read and you know what we do. Most studies show that if you use numbers in your title, you can increase CTR by 56% HubSpot shares this study that if you use brackets in your title, you can increase CTRs by 38%. And, you know what we have done with all these studies, we just added numbers and brackets to these titles, you know, and yes, CTR has increased a few times and even more some positions, by the way, increased as well. This traffic, I know that Google denies that you can’t increase your entry positions if people click more often, but you know, of course, it’s we don’t know the truth of pickup’s indirect factor helps at that point. But, you know, it’s interesting that they usually provide break-it numbers and some powerful words to these titles and yes, that was magic. You know, nothing special, but magic works. Emanuel: Transitioned for the print-publishing era, right back in the fifties, sixties, all those 10 things to know about whatever. 17 things to look out for when you’re wanting to lose weight and stuff like that. So that’s not something new and it’s addressed to no surprise here to humans and not a search algorithm. So adding numbers and checklists and so on is addressing humans. The human needs, people like that. That’s why Google likes it.
Anatolii: Okay. I have a question about Canadian SEO. How can we compare a Canadian and American nation? For example, when I promote websites for Russian-speaking countries you know, it’s not even close to websites for the US and Canada. it’s quite different, different approaches, methods of link building, creating content. Yeah, of course, we have the same foundation, similar styles but in most cases, it’s quite different. And in my SEO agency, we have two teams for Russian and for English. Okay. but let’s dive into Canadian and American SEO. Do we have some difference there or not?
Emanuel: So I think that you don’t do everything yourself. You don’t write the content yourself, you don’t build links by yourself. And so on. You have a team, Okay. Canadian and US I’ve worked for, I was serving the U S some US companies as well in my career. I’m originally from Romania; Ukraine, Romania, and France are three different markets, although they’re all from Europe, right? So although you have, let’s say, New York and Los Angeles – too opposite, they’re a little bit different but not as different as the previous examples, so obviously the Canadian market is closer to the US one and they overlap on many occasions and also the most of 80% of the time, the intent is quite the same, but there are differences between Canada and the US obviously, US only if you take the numbers right as it’s close to the same size, but has 300 or something million people and Canada has 50 million people, not even. So obviously when you are addressing those markets, the volume makes a difference. And one might say it’s more challenging to Canada because you kind of like have fewer people. The competition is more fierce, but I guess that goes for everything in life, I guess. I don’t know if that’s the answer you were looking for.
Anatolii: Okay. I have the question about spec to some niche, for example, do you think it’s a good idea for a specific you know, to focus attention on one topic? For example, promoting only gambling websites or weight loss or a lawyer, or SEO can provide results, for any niches.
Emanuel: That’s a tough question from a career perspective, it might be better to start with a niche and also start small, right? Do break your site because inevitably your make mistakes break your site. get that earlier in your career, then build a project that’s successful and then replicated. Usually, a solid failure starts within a small project that gets replicated within the same industry. And after a while it gets spread, some are applicable to all industries. That being said, I’ve seen very, very talented SEO and digital marketers that were extremely successful in some campaigns, let’s say clothing, I’ve seen them – and I’ve known them myself here – fell miserably when started promoting, not specifically SEO, right, but digital marketing, promoting a campaign with, let’s say FinTech or crypto or whatever. So it’s not the same, right? There are some overlapping elements and a good marketer knows what are those but each industry has its own specifics. And also you will know that once you are an expert in your field, let’s say weight loss, Anatoli is a weight loss SEO expert, other SEOs will come to connect with you and to say, hey, I have this client who is into weight loss, let’s have a chat or something like that. It happened to me when and I guess it’s happened to you in your career. Somebody must have reached out for more insights where you had more experience in that, I guess, that’s the start, in my opinion.
Anatolii: Okay. You know, I think that focusing on it is a good thing. but you know for me, it’s hard because I started my SEO agency and we promote any websites except some niches. I have a client in crypto, Forex and options and what they’ve done with them to learn more about this niche. For example, if wanna get results, you don’t need to be a specialist, but you need to understand the topic. With the weight-loss supplements, I started to learn, you know, yes. I have time when I research keywords, I check out the top 10 results. I can read their content and understand it better. It’s hard to ask your SEO expert to know everything of course. As it’s better to know our topic, but specialization is my must. I don’t know. But it’s possible, yeah. It’s a good thing. I know some people who specialize in one topic. That’s okay. You know, but in my experience, I usually take a broad topic but I study to learn more, to get more insights, to understand the content. And yes, It takes time, but that’s okay. if you want to get results, it’s better to do it. Okay. Let’s talk about link building. I think that the SEO doesn’t like link building is harder but some SEO specialists like Brian Dean, he can provide great results with link building with White Hat SEO. Tell me how do you create, or work any other methods to get links to your client’s websites?
Emanuel: Well, you just need to put the content out there and the links will follow. No problem. You just put them overnight 🙂 Obviously, that’s another part of the SEO manager’s job is to have people point out to give you likes essentially links are likes from other websites that vouch for you. And it’s the core, a core element of Google’s algorithm, right? So links have been and will be for some time now, especially in the niche industries, very small projects. This is how Google finds it and discovers it, and also trusts. If I say to you hey Anatolii you want to work with this guy, you most likely say okay, Emanuel recommended him so he must be a good guy. So it’s the same principle, right? How I do it, I use everything possible. I wouldn’t call them black hat techniques. I stay away from PPNs and all those kinds of link-building schemes, but whenever there’s an opportunity and there are opportunities in almost any industry possible. take that opportunity. From many different journalists who write about the subject services like HARO and also going back to Reddit, see what people are talking about, what are their sources? Competition – sometimes you already have in mind what kind of links you want to build before creating the content. Let’s say there was a study or something, something like that. You kinda like, know what you want. What works, what kind of sites, what kinds of niches do you want to address? And you have, once we have that in mind, you can start reaching out, obviously in time you develop some relationships and there are also some good link-building agencies that only focus on that – talking about specializations. Right? So I have been working in my career with some people who are dedicated in that then developed some special relationships, human relationship. again, that helps you in your career and with your project right? You kind of like, know, Hey, I have this article from, let’s say a lawyer or one about supplements for a supplement website. Let’s find out what some good opportunities in link building are, to build some links to this nice article that’s already great. And that’s kind of the approach I have. And obviously, there are many ways. That’s why it’s good to be specialized in those people who specifically deal with link building.
Anatolii: Ah, you know, you mentioned black hat SEO and black hat techniques and it’s interesting. I think that you know, I often get the question: black hat works or not, you know, I think it depends on your skills and knowledge. For example, Craig Campbell always says PBNsworks, yeah, you know, I have great results with that. Someone can proclaim: no, it doesn’t work because I can’t get results. Yeah. I think it depends on your skills. If you spend time learning, I think you can get results with that as well. Even with PBN, you know I don’t use them, I think you should learn a lot about PBM, how to create them, how to use them, how to save them because Google might find the oldest PBM links. Yes, but when I started to read more I said no way, I want to improve my skills before I get this. But even today, for example, this posting is black hats SEO. If you can call it gray SEO or call them in any colour. You know what, we can use even many methods. Even a Black SEO It’s like reaching out to a journalist. You can’t ask them for a link – it’s against the rules of Google, but, you know I think that Google can punish some methods and don’t touch other methods. Okay, tell more insights on how to choose the right link-building strategy. For example, I have a new website. I want to promote it to get results and we have a bunch of methods, guest posting, I don’t know, broken links, building outreach, PR many, tell me how to choose the right view that works for you.
Emanuel: Must depend on the project as well. But I will start, as you said, the broken link. That’s the easiest thing, competitors. Right. See what’s going on there? Who ran school first and tried to get those as well. Try to cover as much local as you can. If your supplement sees who’s a beginner in your field locally too, and try to establish a relationship. again, back to relationships because this is what, these are links basically, but human links, right? Try to develop, not just for link building, but have somebody who is big in the local market, let’s say weight loss, right supplements. You want to address, let’s say New York to find a couple of shops or a series of a chain of I was looking for the word right over of shops and have them, partner, up and make sure you get the backlink to you. So you can especially type that keyword into your branded keywords. So sending these proper signals to the search engine that they carrying your products and so on. I guess it depends on each one. And It’s hard to give just one example, but I will start with competition and broken links because they tend to be the easiest way to actually see something. It gets something done as soon as possible.
Anatolii: Okay. tell more about tools, how to find links and which tools to use. For example, for broken link building core, any other link building techniques.
Emanuel: Many tools are available and my go-to is SEMrush – I’ve been using it for quite a while. And that’s where I put my projects on, most of my projects, but I’ve been using Ahrefs and MOZ and all the likes as well. So I will start there. They do a pretty good job of finding those broken links for your competitors and also the ranking for your website, the keywords and everything else. So it composes everything that the online project might need. That being said, there are many others I work with. So many tools can be a little bit overwhelming. And one of my pet peeves is that I learned the dashboard. So I’m good with that. I don’t want to learn or not necessarily want to add more and more to that. So I’ll personally stick with SEMRush. I’ll stick with one because all of them more or less do the same thing.
Anatolii: It’s interesting that SEMrush shares checking links for free. You know, before 2022 I think that SEMrush will not share data today, data is bigger than Ahref’s site. SEMrush provides a lot more backlinks than Ahref and it’s free today. It’s interesting because SEMrush costs much more than many other similar tools. And I think the main point is for SEMrush to show that Ahref is not really that anymore, not today SEMrush has a lot more backlinks and it’s free. Yeah. It’s free. You don’t need to pay for them.
Emanuel: It also depends on the market. Right. So for example, I found that in the UK, UK agencies use more Ahref than any other tools, right? So I guess that’s also a fact, but more or less they do the same thing and you, 80%, 90% you get the same results. But I guess we’re looking for those 10 or 20% that differentiate between the others. That’s what we’re looking for.
Anatolii: Ah, how much do you pay for that SEMrush? Emanuel: Around the market price – is around 100 US dollars per month for a regular plan. that goes for Ahrefs, SEMrush and MOZ and all of them.
Anatolii: I have a question about how to find customers. You know, I often get this question from my audience, about how to find customers. I’m leading my SEO agency or something like this. And of course, they will not get the clients – tell your insights. How do you search for clients? How you can convince them to cooperate with you. Emanuel: That’s probably the most important question in any business, right? Probably sales are the core skills of any business person sometimes. And you have probably met great SEO’s, remarkable SEOs that fail miserably when they run their own business because there are different sets of skills. Sales and managing and also being talented at what you do. My approach is to education. That’s one thing. You also, obviously you’re doing the same thing because you have this podcast, and you put lots of information out there through video, through content on your site. Through education, sometimes you need to chase them and you kinda like to develop a sense as we said SEOs are wearing many hats and quite often; he also wears the sales hat as well. Right? Because there’s always an opportunity to up the sale, offering something extra. And you develop that sense once you will be working with clients for a while. You can say – let’s build some links – that’s something extra on top of what you’re currently paying for and so on. But I believe enhancing our sales techniques to be a better salesperson – that will help you. My approach is through education.
Anatolii: Yeah. You know, I think that content marketing works for me as well because for my Ukrainian-Russian agency usually. We have a lot of traffic from blogs, from YouTube videos. I use the same strategy for English-speaking countries – to create a lot of educational content to help others because, you know, most customers don’t buy from unrecognizable brands. If you can help them if you can provide well, you, they can remember you, memorize and then when the time comes, you can sell your services as well. Okay.
Emanuel: The challenge we talked about earlier, about competing with Amazon.
Anatolii: Yeah, you know, I think it’s possible to compete with Amazon but not on Amazon field, you know, it’s better to find another field. I found one strategy. For example, when you check out the top 10 results. And when you see Amazon or any other big popular websites in the top 10, and if you check out their content, it’s irrelevant keywords. It’s a big chance because Google doesn’t know what to show with these keywords. That means, for example, buying sneakers. Yes, you can see Amazon, but Amazon shows dresses, I don’t know and other clothes. That means, yeah, you have the chance. I’m not sure that Amazon doesn’t have content for those sneakers perhaps, this is not a good example, but the point is when you search for some specific keywords and you can find Wikipedia or Amazon, or any other popular websites relevant content it’s the chance, you know because Google doesn’t know what to show for this results.
Emanuel: Again, offer what the user wants, offer them what the user wants. We should be billionaires now because we cracked the code.
Anatolii: Yeah. Okay and the last question, how my audience can find you learn more about you, and reach out to you.
Emanuel: Mostly on my website, it’s emanuelp.com. So the way it’s displayed here, E M A N U E L P with a P from my name, dot com And also I have a newsletter I’ve launched this year, 15 years later, but who’s counting? 🙂 How about some marketing.com And there’s always something in it for my subscribers, sometimes a book, sometimes a course that I offer for free, sometimes an incentive or discount and so on. So I highly recommend people to subscribe to my newsletter.
Anatolii: Cool. Okay, guys, you can find all these links in the description below whatever you listen to this audio podcast, Spotify, Apple, Google. It doesn’t matter. Just check out the description. You can find all these mentioned links, reach out to Emanuel, learn more about him and other his services and thanks for listening to us. See you next time. Cheers.
Emanuel: Thank you so much. Have great fun everyone. Closing Remarks: Thanks for listening to this entire podcast. Please rank your experience in Apple, Spotify, Google, or any other platforms that you may use. Also, please share your ranking mark on [email protected]. To get a special gift. We’ll see you soon on other valuable audio podcasts.