SEO Audits – UnMiss Podcast

Last updated on November 8th, 2024 at 01:29 am

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I had the honour and the privilege to be a g guest on Anatolii’s podcast for the second time in less than 1 year (if you haven’t seen the first one, you can do so here – Win The SEO Game). He’s a great host but I’m always nervous, at least for the first 5 minutes. We discussed SEO audits, why they are important and how we can do better audits to actually help the businesses we’re auditing. You can watch the video below. You can also listen to the podcast on Apple Podcasts, Spotify and Google Podcasts.

Additionally, the transcript is below. Last but not least, the link to Anatolii’s site:


Anatolii Ulitovskyi 0:01
Hello, everyone, and welcome to our show. Today we discuss SEO audit and how you can get high results by checking your website because we have so many mistakes, and it’s better to fix them to get higher results; an SEO audit is not only about technical errors, but we can also touch on many other topics and I’m excited to discuss this topic with Emanuel. How are you?

Emanuel Petrescu 0:24
Hi, Anatolii, and hi to your followers. I’m fine. How about you?

Anatolii Ulitovskyi 0:29
Yeah, I’m doing great. It’s a big pleasure to meet you again. I remember that you shared a lot of great info with my audience the first time. Before we start remind everyone about yourself-experience, and background -, and I know that you are going to launch an SEO course. I want to know more about that.

Emanuel Petrescu 0:45
Thank you so much. So my name is Emmanuel Petrescu or Emmanuel P. I am an SEO campaign manager, I’ve been working in digital marketing for the past 10 years. I’d like to say two or three years, but it’s been 10 years, as I’m getting old. For the past three or four years, I focused exclusively on SEO, and I help and consult on many aspects – social media, email marketing, content creation, and so on.
And for the past six months to a year, I’ve been focusing a lot on SEO audits, where I tried to build my expertise, and I like to think that I did. And also I want to share some of the knowledge and things that I’ve found through the course I’m creating. I don’t have anything ready yet is just the curriculum laid out already and I did make some progress. And hopefully, by the end of the year, we’ll have it ready for viewing and accessing.

Anatolii Ulitovskyi 1:44
Nice, nice. Okay, cool. You know, I think we have a bunch of SEO courses. Can you tell us what kind of value can we get from your course? Because, you know, if you search on Google, you can find many courses with some of them are recognizable from brands like SEMrush, Ahrefs, and many other brands. Can you tell what is the main difference if the audience will buy your course and what value they can get?

Emanuel Petrescu 2:13
Sure, thank you for the questions. As you said, if we search for SEO audits, courses, and templates, we’ll find out at least a million templates and so on, the differences that we’re going to show is a hands-on audit, of how to audit a website. And we are going to focus on the most important metrics, what an SEO audit can bring to the client, what kind of value can it bring to the client in order to make those tweaks and those changes, and you will be able to learn to make those recommendations so that your clients’ business will grow.
Most of the other courses and as you said, they’re great courses, but most of them focus and talk very general, broad theory, and so on. And I would like to, you know, get my hands dirty on actually auditing a website, a website that reflects most of the businesses because small and mid-sized businesses don’t have, for example, millions of pages or other types of content that you need to focus on – probably most websites have 100 to 200 pages, right, the small and mid-sized businesses websites that actually produce money and are the backbone of the economy. So we’re gonna focus more on that in my course, what value can you bring to your clients through an SEO audit, and what works.

Anatolii Ulitovskyi 3:47
Okay, let’s talk about an SEO audit. Because, you know, I think it’s very important to know how to fix your website. Can you tell me where to start?

For example, I have a website and something is wrong. I don’t know what’s going on. Can you tell me what is the first step to analyzing my website?

Emanuel Petrescu 4:05
I have a saying: “I like to be audited” said no one ever, even if it’s financial, marketing, or SEO, the word audit doesn’t sound so appealing. Nevertheless, everything starts with a good thorough review of where we are. And an audit can bring that up technical, content, and overall the user experience errors. So these things might be brought up during an audit, not just the website, but overall, how Google sees you, your brand your company on the search results pages because we know branding is important.

Local SEO is important as well. So all of these are also factors that we should take into consideration, especially for small to medium-sized businesses that actually operate somewhere local.

Anatolii Ulitovskyi 5:10
you know, I can’t wait for one question because I can see in your background, so many books. Can you tell me why you have so many books? And what is your favorite?

Emanuel Petrescu 5:21
Thank you so much for the question. Well, I like to read I’ve spent a lot of time reading. And there’s not just one favorite book, but I’ve recently been impressed by rereading Dune. Dune is a very famous sci-fi novel. And it’s actually the first book I’ve read in English. I was somewhere in high school and from East Europe. So it’s one of the first books I’ve read in English. And I’ve recently seen the movie, the new 2021 movie. And I said to myself, Okay, let me reread the book.
I don’t usually spend much time rereading books, but this one was an amazing experience. And I’ve realized how much it influenced my life and also the way that we’re consuming TV, movies, series, and how much it influenced everything else. So, I highly recommend reading or rereading it. And even if you’re not a teenager, as you were when you first read it, or most people were anyway.

Anatolii Ulitovskyi 6:18
Okay, now, if you have the link to this book, share it on this private chat, I will share it with the audience. Guys, you can find this link in the description below. And I have a question about website audit, you know, because many different types of errors, technical errors, content, errors probably, you know, link building errors, many things.
Can you tell? more about the website audit even user experience audit. Where to start from technical errors, UX errors, or analyzing your backlinks, and competitors? Yeah, just from your perspective,

Emanuel Petrescu 6:59
I will first start by saying that your website doesn’t need necessarily to include errors to be audited or to do an audit. The content audit is as equally as important, and as we know, for meta description, title tags, h1’s, and content overall – it’s always a good opportunity to work on them and improve them and change them and tweak them and experiment.

In terms of technical aspects, there are certain times that you need to do one thing, one time you find the error, you fix it – something is brought in the robots file or the Sitemap has, I don’t know what kind of issues I can’t think of anything at the moment.

But you know, all those things. So once you fix that we can move on. But every business and every website is very specific. So there might be a widget that is creating some errors, there might be a conflict between some form of plugins or a form that the client really wants there, all these things can help visualize the overall, I like to call it a holistic approach.
And from that, you can extract and conclude what actions you could specifically take to improve overall the performance of the website because, of course, we all know we heard about page speed about all those things as well.

Anatolii Ulitovskyi 8:24
Okay, you mentioned page speed. I’m interested to know more about that. Because, you know, when I check out any page speed, I can see a bunch of errors, 100 errors, and didn’t know what to fix. Especially if you have limited resources. And on WordPress, it’s much simpler but if we are talking about Shopify, Wix, or any other platform it’s hard. Can you tell me how to find critical errors that you must fix or anything else related to that?

Because, you know, I want to clarify why I’m asking about that. Because I had a client. And when I asked him what he did for a week, they replied to me, you know, I fixed some technical errors. I submitted a text for the about us page, contact, and something like this. I told him, why are you doing this? You know, we have many other things more critical that we need to fix. And we’re not going to rank the contact or about us page on Google these pages are important just to build more trust, you know, or to communicate with a customer.

Can you tell me about critical errors because when you can see a lot of errors you don’t know what to do and where to start?

Emanuel Petrescu 9:45
Prioritization is important, You said, not sometimes you all have limited resources, all the time you have limited resources!Out of all those million templates that you will find many of them are good and it’s always recommended to work with a template, and based on that template, based on your needs based and your clients. And once you develop the experience, you can start tweaking that template. So we start from something to understand what’s common, to highlight what you should focus on and even try to grade stuff>Let’s say you have 10 errors – out of all these 10 errors, what can be the most impactful, one or two, and choose from them? This is why it’s important to have, I’m not saying to be a developer, but to have at least knowledge of how a server operates, right? Location, CDNs, God knows they create so many issues.
Shopify, we all know when they create, like all these URLs, and duplicate a lot of stuff, but also they canonicalize some of the pages, right, so you’ll need to be aware of all those things. So having a template can help you, you know, keep on track and don’t get distracted. And also, by having a grading system, you will be able to determine which is the most impactful action you could take right now. As you said, About Us, and the Contact page are important and creates a good user experience.

And I always recommend people to enhance their about page as much as they can to develop a relationship with Google, but also with the user.
But those again, technical errors as in page speed are important once you start doing a couple of them or if you are familiar with the platform, WordPress, Shopify, Squarespace, and so on, you kind of like know also that they have certain problems that tend to repeat, you know, or let’s say, out of 10 websites that you audit on WordPress, eight of them have the same theme, right? That by default creates this error. So you kind of like develop a sense of where it’s going, or what you could do right now to simply make an impact on your clients or on the website that you’re working on.

And I think we have all been there when the website was pushed live. And through your expertise, we discovered that it had to be no index tag check box checked. So by simply removing that in a matter of even days or weeks, you’ll start seeing some improvement in terms of organic traffic, right. So similar to that, you have developed the experience, you will get a sense of what’s working and where you should focus your attention from the start.

Anatolii Ulitovskyi 12:32
I know I have a question about critical errors that developers can’t fix. Do we need to fix them? If we can’t? I mean, like, okay, you have two options to find other web developers or skip it forget, because, you know, for example, when we check out websites in the top 10, I can see many of them have these technical errors, they can’t fix them but they rank well, you know, they have this traffic, what do you think it’s better to search for web a developer who is a magician, you know, that can fix everything, or just skip it and pay attention to other critical errors.

Emanuel Petrescu 13:09
When you mentioned the word critically, that sounds very important, so I wouldn’t completely skip them. Obviously, I don’t see the fact that, for example, the PageSpeed score is low being a detrimental factor in ranking, right?
Google will always try to show its users the best results possible. And that can mean many things, you know, and obviously, if your website provides that answer, and it’s also fast, you have a higher chance of ranking above your competitors. But that’s not the only thing.
So I always try to reach out to find people and to help them – even a developer, we all have worked with developers, so they have many talents, but they don’t see it from an SEO perspective, right? The developer will say: write a function for each action. If you have 10,000 actions on a page, then you need to write 10,000 functions. But an SEO will say, Okay, try to compress all that code into fewer lines so that we don’t bloat the page with lots of content, and so on.
I believe that we can be efficient in communication with some developers who may not be aware, and also we are SEOs, so it’s our responsibility to understand that the developer is a developer and sees everything from the developer’s eyes. So everything meets in the middle, right? There needs to be a balance, but I wouldn’t exclude the so-called critical errors at all if a PageSpeed score is lower than the medium or recommended, I will probably try to focus and see if there is an opportunity to improve the content. I’ll probably focus on that before getting to the technical stuff if that makes sense.

And also, all those errors that we see from the tools where we put in the URL, and all the bells and whistles going red – we start to see that we have all those things, you know, but again, we need to take everything with a grain of salt. And the experience you have will be detrimental in judging what actions you need to take, again, to better serve your client.

Anatolii Ulitovskyi 15:39
Well explained, loved it. Okay, tell me how is important the green line, when I can see this green line on PageSpeed Insights? Do we need to have this green line? You know, some people are crazy that they want to get 100%? You know, please give me 100%, what it’s hard now a hundred percent. That means you need to have all the text on your page without any multimedia and blogs, you know, it’s hard.

Emanuel Petrescu 16:05
Yeah, not even that because you know, all the aspects are a factor – the server is important. I mean, I’m amazed by some people who pay like $20 a year for hosting, but they want to rank better, right? And whenever you have a website, you have some errors, and you make the recommendation, Hey, move to a premium hosting and all of a sudden 80% of those errors magically disappear It’s important to have the green light, and you always strive to make your website load faster, and so on.

But we need to remember what’s the goal, right, every campaign, and that happens at the beginning of your collaboration with a client, you need to ask him that question. What do you want to achieve?

Most of them will say I want to make more money through my website. That simple, right? So more business. more growth. That means also measuring, right? When you place a measuring tag, although a tag for retargeting, or analytics, it potentially can slow down the website.
So you can tell him, okay, we can remove that tag and gain our page 10%; the downside is that we won’t be able to report on how many people click on that and so on. Obviously, I’m giving a general, broad example. But I hope that makes sense.
So it is important, but the goals that you set up at the beginning, I wouldn’t say are more important, and we work towards that.
And obviously, we’re giving extreme examples right now, it’s not like we’re gonna break the site or simply do something just because the client wants it or not.

Anatolii Ulitovskyi 17:47
Yeah. Okay, let’s talk about UX. You know, it’s interesting that I think UX is in the first stage, then we can check out technical errors because you know if your UX is bad. And that means when you redesign and create new content, you can get new technical errors. So for me, it’s better to fix UX on the first page. Can you tell me how to analyze and provide a UX audit for a new website? Whether to pay more attention or probably have some checklist on how to check out UX.

Emanuel Petrescu 18:22
Not can but will, definitely! I never encountered any new transition, a new website redesign or migration, or anything without in that matter without any errors. The idea is for you to be there to be aware of these things and go and fix them – So that’s how I approach it by actually trying to be a user – and being in SEO, it’s been hard to picture myself as a user because I always look for, okay, why is this website ranking? What’s the title tag? What’s the description and so on? I don’t see it as a user. Because again, I do this effort, right? So first, that’s why it’s called experience.
I go simply browse the website, and click, do I find the right information? Where is that information supposed to be, right? Is the blog page, for example, looking to see if they have a blog page? Is it on the menu? Is it the navigation, you might find that natural yet again, you’ll see many websites that don’t have that there, or the about page is listed somewhere else in the navigation? Maybe I want to read, maybe I want to learn about the company, who am I about to call right? Maybe they need to come into my house and fix something, you know.

So when I go there and see, okay, do they have an image? Do they seem like nice people and all those things, right? Those are important. This is how some users actually behave. That’s what I’m talking about – user experience when I say that, you know, actually create a good experience and deliver people what they would expect from a service or a product that you provide. If your website is slow, or you have a pop-up that pushes people away, or even worse, that pop-up doesn’t work, or you have a chatbot on your site that you try to minimize, but it won’t, because of whatever conflict between whatever plugins, when you want to click something, but you can’t find out, you know, – all these means user experience.. And I believe that’s what Google – the search engine and all the algorithms and their grading – is looking for as well. Plus, a million other things that they’re looking for when they rank websites.

Anatolii Ulitovskyi 20:48
Can you explain how to create content for a human and optimized for search engines from your perspective or experience?

Emanuel Petrescu 20:59
You simply create the content that you would like to find. I just recently searched for something in regards to connecting my AirPods headphones to a Windows computer or something like that. So I’m looking for that specific answer, very intentional from a user standpoint.
Obviously, we assess first a little bit the content, right, you always add maybe an extra keyword or change, tweak the word, the words between the sentence – and old practice – it’s been absolete that practice. But still, it seems that maybe many times it’s my first impulse, always, and I tell my clients, and the people I consult with, always talk to the people always try to provide the information, try to reflect that on your website, this your business, right? If you have a special tool or special voice or a special way of delivering content, then try to reflect that on your website. Why is that because as we know, the search engine becomes more and more, I wouldn’t say human but becomes more aware of these things.

And I have seen this accelerating for the past year or so since we have seen it in the pandemic, I believe the SERP has changed significantly, obviously being more dynamic, seeing different types of results, more local, more videos, more different other results that we were used to seeing and at accelerating rates, but also seen that they deliver more of the results that I was actually looking for.
And even less, I was looking for something other than featured snippets. Sometimes I get that information right from the SERP, but sometimes I need to go and click to see the page actually and say: is this a trusted source? and so on. And I find that those sources become more and more relevant and have been for the past couple of years. And for the past couple of months, actually. And I believe you have noticed this as well.

Anatolii Ulitovskyi 23:17
Yeah, yeah. Love it. Love it. I agree with you. Yeah. Because you know, Google cares about people. So robots can serve people. When you create content for search engines, ignoring people, you can’t get good results. That’s why I usually tell my clients to create content for humans and forget about search engines. Just forget- no Google, no Bing, no any other social media. Just create content for a human, then you can optimize it for search engines. When you have content when you have this draft. Just to add keywords in your title description. Probably in H1, or subheadings, you can do it to create the structure but when you have content for humans, so yeah. Can you tell us more about meta optimization, and how to create meta that will give a strong reason to click your content on the top 10 results?

Emanuel Petrescu 24:18
Here everybody needs to put on his creative hat. Now Google, as we have heard, chose to display different title tags and meta descriptions – they always display them differently than the one that the website provided. But for the past, I believe, a year or so they have chosen more to show more and more what they believe it should be featured there and with some errors. I look at them as an ongoing opportunity to improve and again to see what works depending on the service and the product that you’re offering, depending on the intent, and that’s what the page was created for, right? If it’s a shop page, we can know what they want to do- you need to reflect that- shop here, you know, maybe that’s a discount, if it’s an informational page, write a blog post about some type of whatever it is, right?
You want people to see click here and read more, you know, you want to bring them to your website. If that’s a service page, you want them to contact you to learn more, and to call you for that specific service.

Anatolii Ulitovskyi 25:41
Yeah, it means you add a call to action in the description.

Emanuel Petrescu 25:44
And it’s also important too because even the search result pages are becoming more and more localized. Also, to address the people in your location, obviously, there’s a general template that everybody uses. But if there’s something that you know, can be very specifically tied to your specific location, try to incorporate that specific language: okay, we’re located near the intersection of this and that, but if that intersection actually is named differently, or it’s across the street of a more famous restaurant, or something like that, especially places in Europe and stuff like that, I believe, and I have seen this for myself first, these are moving the needle a little bit towards making me at least look more before clicking.
So being aware of your audience, your location, or your home, everything else will be impactful. And I said it’s always good to try to change things around to try to experiment and see what works and then apply.

Anatolii Ulitovskyi 26:47
Love it. Love it. Okay, let’s talk about personalization. Can you tell me how to personalize content? Because you mentioned a few times that you need to create content for a humans. Yeah, that we need to create content by learning about customers, users cannot tell how to personalize content today, because you know when I check out the top 10 results, I can see how my competitors personalize content, but they probably have a different unique selling proposition. I need to highlight mine, can you tell me more about that.

Emanuel Petrescu 27:20
That’s probably a conversation to have with a client or whoever you’re working with right, to have it at the beginning. When you set your KPIs, you also try to build the so-called Persona, the buyer’s persona, and to try to understand that, obviously, a competitor is a great resource for, I don’t know, I wouldn’t call it inspiration, but you know, you’ll see what’s working, we’ll type in your keyword for your main phrase that you would like to get results for, you see what they’re doing and try to adapt, mimic, and always improve. And there was a popular formula now – 10x, right. So try to make your content – audio, video or writing- 10 times better than then your competitor and you will have a significant chance of outranking them.

As in personalization, again, any campaign ist something ongoing, and every now and then you should have some meetings with the stakeholders. Whether it’s a client or somebody from their team, or a dedicated person that actually works in the company, they can provide you with valuable information and valuable insights.
Right now we have the tools, right, and they give us volume, they give us intent, they give us many many things, right? But it might be some time until they show up some results that a person from the shop or from the customer service department can give you right away: hey, for the past 10 days, we’ve seen more interest in this product.
I don’t know why, you know, maybe there’s a competitor who runs a similar campaign, you know, that drives everybody’s sales up, you know what they have seen something, or I don’t know – I had this in a couple of years back some actor was wearing some nice shades, right? And all of a sudden after everyone sees the movie, the sales have jumped for those sunglasses, right? That type of information. So constant communication among the stakeholders can help you better deliver a personalized message.

And of course, location, location, location, it’s important, right? Serve your customers, and your audience, Now you as an SEO should have this conversation and constant communication with the client and try to tweak and reflect and personalize the content based on the so-called personas, buyer’s personas, or customer avatars. Every company calls them differently least having an idea of who your target audience is, it’s an important step, not just for paid advertising, but also for organic results.

Anatolii Ulitovskyi 30:07
Love it. Okay, let’s get back to the user experience. I want to know more about simplicity. Can you tell me how to simplify content, because, for example, I often see when the webmasters are trying to sell almost all their products from the homepage, you know, they submit catalogues, multiple goods? But you know, when I check out Apple, many other websites, it’s simple, you know, I can see only one iPhone, on the first screen, you know, if I scroll down, I can see another iPhone, I don’t have the left side, the right side, I just have in the center iPhone, and some message make difference and something like this. Can you tell me how to simplify content when websites want to sell actually, they want to sell but if they don’t submit their products they can’t sell? Would they think about that?

Emanuel Petrescu 31:00
I haven’t worked on websites such as, Samsung, and so on. Obviously, branding is important as well. But strictly referring to small to medium-sized businesses, the market that I’m serving most, it comes from them – they know best who their client clients are and what they are looking for, what are their main pain points are, etc? People don’t look for a drill, they want to have a hole in the wall, right? So they might not need the entire equipment, they just need that thing to be done. Again, they know that and again, communication and constant communication with your campaign manager can help you deliver that so-called simplification.

Obviously, we as SEOs have tried to create our pages to reflect that overall, technically, the homepage is the most powerful page on your website that passes views and juice and so on. So historically, this is how we have built websites and brands, and have managed to rank and outrank even bigger competitors by creating a solid foundation of content. Right now things are becoming more diverse, in a sense that even the search engine knows – let’s say 10 years ago, if you’re looking to replace a faucet, for example, Google will give you results such as Okay, here’s a plumber, you go ahead and find what you need. But right now, we will see the faucet repair page, I’m just giving a very extreme example, general, but you know, the search results have become more and more aware, and even for very specific topics and subtopics in their niche, you will find the so-called simplification. And it’s not just when I say content, I mean, also the design, I’m referring to the entire experience, right, because people are looking for information, but also the visual plays a big part.

Anatolii Ulitovskyi 33:01
Yeah, interesting. Okay. Let’s talk about link building. Can you tell me how to provide link building? Oh, difficult question and I know, it’s the most complex part of SEO, but I don’t know, it’s really hard to find websites that rank well, without links. They need to have it. So from your perspective, how to provide the right strategy for building an audit?

Emanuel Petrescu 33:27
Well, links have been detrimental to ranking on Google. It’s first in their algorithm, right, where they started with the search engine, and still plays a very significant role. That’s why still we mentioned in the last meeting, that’s why still PBNs and many link-building techniques still work and are still relevant because at the end of the day, Google, although is becoming more and more intelligent and smart anddelivers better results, It works on very specific algorithms, right, and links can influence that.

Obviously, there’s grading to those links as well through some tools, including the ones from Google Search Console, but also the other most popular ones, we can have a map of what’s linking back to your website, and what links you should recommend your clients acquiring, right. It depends. Link building is just one part of a very important part of the three-legged stool, like a three-legged chair that SEO consist of You have the links, the authority, and overall the user experience and the content itself that you should deliver.

So again, it’s not an easy job, but you need a place to start, so try to find, and determine if there are any backlinks that actually harm your website. Google has become extremely good at not considering all the junk websites that are linking to you, which by the way, many people might don’t know most of the websites on the internet are junk. It’s just that we got used to the websites Google delivers.

So Google has been able to determine and filter those out even for your website every now and then there’s still something passing through that can harm or damage your website. That’s why I believe they still have that disavow tool. It’s not probably as important as it was probably a couple of years back when could, you know, bring your competitor down by blasting him with a lot of spammy links, and so on. But it’s still there. And if there is a budget Link building is not easy or cheap Not the $50 for one thousand links from a vendor from Fiverr – you and I probably get millions of emails, from those types of people that provide this sort of service.
But getting and acquiring good links do come at a cost, you know, and not just the money, but also the reason why, you know, getting yourself out there and starting with the audit of what website currently ranks and if there’s an opportunity if there’s anything that harms you that’s a way to start and also see if there’s a good opportunity to get some new links right away. Obviously, competitors are a good place to start with. Who is linking to them?

Anatolii Ulitovskyi 36:51
Yeah, okay. Love it. Love it. I have a question about the future of SEO, what kind of future can you predict to forecast this future? Because, you know, we can see that new Search Engines are coming, for example, Ahrefs; Apple promised to share search engine? We don’t know how it will look. Yeah, I think Apple can surprise us probably. But for me, it’s really hard to compete with Google, even if your name is Apple because it’s Google, you know, we have this habit, it’s hard to change habits. Can you tell me about the future? Because it’s not only about search engines we have much other stuff that will become like Metaverse. What do you think about the future?

Emanuel Petrescu 37:43
I don’t have my crystal ball with me right now :). I’m not the one who said this first; I don’t remember who said it, but he made a solid point – search for Apple it’s already here. Think about Siri Hey, Siri, what time it is? How much is that one product or is that shop still open?. So that’s still a search, right, it’s just that we’re doing it differently, I believe that it – the search – will become more and more diversified.
Obviously, technology will evolve. There have been some conversations and some interesting articles I’ve read lately about Tiktok being used as a search engine. And up to a point, that’s correct right, it depends on how you see it; YouTube is the second most popular search engine. Pinterest in itself is a search engine that’s very popular. For example, graphic designers, all of your graphic designers, they’ll send you a Pinterest link for examples or take it as a source of inspiration. Right. So again, people have questions, and we need to find the platform to deliver the answers. And again, we talk about Google, but we’re talking about the North American market and probably Europe and some other countries. But there are other places with billions of people where Google is not the main dominant search engine, or maybe they’re not even present. So more diversification, more specific results. And I do believe that Apple at one point will give us a search engine similar to, well not just Siri and not all of the other technologies incorporated, but having an actual search engine available.

But we have seen and you mentioned Ahrefs, Brave. It’s a search engine that I found myself using more and more – I’m using the Brave browser so also the search results in interesting for example, I can see that for most of the queries, you’ll find three organic results and then Redditt subtopics right from the search engine result page itself, right, so that’s an interesting approach.
You have the official, the so-called official results, but also you can get easily see what people are talking about, right. So that implies a different layer of knowledge that they understand the user. Yeah, the future, I see it as dynamic. I’m looking forward to it. But I can’t make a prediction. But I do believe Apple will deliver a search engine by itself, because they have such a big market, especially in North America in the USA, where most people have iPhones, right, you have everybody who uses a Mac, most people have Safari as the browser. Right. So they already have the hardware, the platforms. So it’s just a matter of business to actually force that.

Anatolii Ulitovskyi 40:55
Yeah. I want to see how Apple can tell Google, you know, I don’t need your $15 billion to be the default search engine in Safari. I don’t need this $15 billion, you know, it’s like 10% of all Google revenue. You know, it’s a lot, by the way, you know, so we will see, it is interesting.

Emanuel Petrescu 41:20
That’s the beauty of competition- that’s what drives both companies, Apple and Google, to create better services for their users, because they want them on their platform.

Anatolii Ulitovskyi 41:33
Yeah, but that’s good. It’s much better news for us, you know, users.

Emanuel Petrescu 41:38
But for us, as SEOs right. Because theoretically, we should have more possibility to get more business for our for services.

Anatolii Ulitovskyi 41:49
Yeah, yeah, totally. Emanuel, it’s big pleasure to have you again on my show, you know, you always share valuable insights, tell our audience how they can reach out to you learn more about your follow you.

Emanuel Petrescu 42:00
Thank you so much, Anatolii. It’s always a pleasure to be a guest. My website is, as you see here on the screen, so and from there you have contact information, you have links to my social media, Instagram or LinkedIn, Tik Tok, which I find myself spending more and more time and also trying to create content – is highly addictive. I always ask myself how did we let Tik Tok happen?
Feel free to reach out to give me a shoutout say hi, send me an email and most likely I’ll announce there when the course will be ready I predict towards the end of the year because even you know it is work and it’s the first course that I’m actually creating so there is a learning curve that I need to address but I’ll let you know and maybe, probably, will let your audience know as well.

Anatolii Ulitovskyi 42:55
Okay, guys, I will I will. Big pleasure and all guys you can find all the links in the description below. Listen to us on Apple, Google, and Spotify. Thanks again for your time, you know, always welcome back in order to share more valuable insights about SEO. I think, you know, when SEO has such specialists like you, that means we have a shiny future. I am not good with prediction. But I believe in that because when people are passionate about that, the results will come. Okay, guys love you. See you.


Emanuel Petrescu

Emanuel Petrescu is an accomplished SEO specialist based in Toronto, Canada. He is a digital marketing wizard, offering digital marketing services for more than 10 years, consulting corporate clients, small business owners and other independent professionals enhancing their online presence.
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Emanuel Petrescu

Emanuel Petrescu is an accomplished SEO specialist based in Toronto, Canada. He is a digital marketing wizard, offering digital marketing services for more than 10 years, consulting corporate clients, small business owners and other independent professionals enhancing their online presence.
Read Emanuel's full bio